Heather Stagl

Heather Stagl

Enclaria, LLC
Timezone: America/New_York

As founder of Enclaria LLC, Heather Stagl equips individuals and teams to push the boulder uphill at work. She provides a number of resources for those who are leading organizational change from the middle, including individual coaching, team workshops and step-by-step workbooks. Heather is a blogger and radio host of "The Change Agent's Dilemma: How to Influence Change Without Authority" on BlogTalkRadio.

She is the author of 99 Ways to Influence Change and a change management toolkit called Irresistible: The Change Agent's Guide to Design & Influence Change Without Getting Stuck.
Heather has implemented a wide variety of strategic initiatives as an internal change agent, including IT systems, a process improvement program, and strategy execution with the Balanced Scorecard. She was the Director of Organizational Effectiveness at The Jel Sert Company, a mid-size food manufacturer headquartered in the Chicago suburbs. After moving to Atlanta, she conducted a two-year working group program on strategy execution at Balanced Scorecard Collaborative.

She holds a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from Northwestern University and an MBA in Leadership and Change Management from DePaul University. Heather completed coach training at The Coaches Training Institute. She was the 2011 Chair of Organization Change Alliance.
Heather lives with her husband and two kids in Alpharetta, Georgia.

Date & Time (EST) Title Role
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
1:00pm - 2:00pm
How Change Gets Stuck Presenter
