
Leading Digital Transformation

Wednesday, April 21, 2021 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Kristin Shackelford, Solution Principal, Leadership & Business, Skillsoft

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Digital transformation is here—whether you and your organization are ready or not. Join us to learn, discuss, and collaborate on how to solve for the most common areas of friction related to digital transformation. Accelerate innovation in yourself, your teams, and your organization. Organize change management. Reskill yourself and others’ success. Then, close the gap between knowing and doing, so you can put all you’ve learned to work and affect transformational change. 

During this session, you will learn:

  • Why digital transformation should be your focus now—even while the pandemic lingers
  • What you need to do to establish common alignment with leadership on transformation goals
  • How to spot and avoid pitfalls of digital transformation execution

*Register to attend live and get on-demand access for 30 days.


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Kristin Shackelford
Kristin Shackelford

Solution Principal, Leadership & Business, Skillsoft

Kristin Shackelford serves as Skillsoft’s organization transformation solution principal for North America and EMEA. A seasoned strategist in the talent and learning industry, Kristin has more than 20 years’ experience bringing relevant industry insights and practical experience to many of the largest global enterprises.

As a seeker of insights and customer partner in building the workforce of the future, Kristin is passionate about helping organizations develop new capabilities for the digital age to ensure they are armed with the right knowledge to future-proof their organization. With the objective of a stronger devops culture, Kristin’s expertise secures greater confidence amongst senior leaders to break down organizational silos and accelerate projects.

Kristin regularly speaks and consults on current topics including developing leaders for the digital age, women in leadership, gender parity and its impact on business, digital transformation, and impact technology and globalization have on culture, people, and organizational talent strategy. The power of continuous learning and innovation are key themes across these customer discussions.