Warren Wright

Warren Wright

Second Wave Learning
Reston Virginia
Timezone: America/New_York

Warren started Second Wave Learning to help Second Wave Millennials (aka “Gen Z”) become ready for the workplace, and help employees of all generations collaborate more effectively. Warren began his career in radio and television advertising, explaining Nielsen and Arbitron audience measurement demographics to executives. In 1997, he started a company called jobfinder.com with two friends, which they sold in 2000. After the sale, he joined Gallup, where he became Managing Partner, running their largest division, using polling and demographic data to better understand the influence of human behavior on leadership and business outcomes. In 2011, he became partners with renowned author and demographer Neil Howe, who coined the term, “Millennials”. Warren has been in the generations business ever since—first, with Howe, and later with his own training company, Coaching Millennials. Warren provides the vision, direction, and inspiration for Second Wave Learning.

Date & Time (EST) Title Role
Thursday, November 21, 2019
10:00am - 11:00am
Collaborating in a Multigenerational Environment Presenter
